the Sesquiped Alien

A creative writing blog by Michael G. Fischer




1: having many syllables

2: characterized by using long words

Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

Creative Challenge #5

The Prompt Is: Lesbian Mermaid

This short story is based on a single phrase, word, or sentence that serves as today’s writing prompt. The Creative Challenge is to write daily for 30 consecutive days. Not all writings will be posted.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

Creative Challenge #4

The Prompt Is: Washed-up.

This short story is based on a single phrase, word, or sentence that serves as today’s writing prompt. The Creative Challenge is to write daily for 30 consecutive days. Not all writings will be posted.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

Creative Challenge #3

The Prompt Is: Reluctant Revolution Leader

This short story is based on a single phrase, word, or sentence that serves as today’s writing prompt. The Creative Challenge is to write daily for 30 consecutive days. Not all writings will be posted.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

Creative Challenge #2

The Prompt Is: A group of friends discovers an abandoned town.

This short story is based on a single phrase, word, or sentence that serves as today’s writing prompt. The Creative Challenge is to write daily for 30 consecutive days. Not all writings will be posted.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

Creative Challenge #1

The Prompt Is: Amnesia

This short story is based on a single phrase, word, or sentence that serves as today’s writing prompt. The Creative Challenge is to write daily for 30 consecutive days. Not all writings will be posted.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Lone Juror’s Quest To Find A Single Fork

Juror 25 is alone and hungry as he searches for a fork with which to eat his beloved meal. Will he find one? Can comedy be gleaned from the most mundane of situations? Let’s find out together in this short story that begs the question: WTF Chipotle? (Where’s The Fork Chipotle?)

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

Mountain Voices

This flash fiction was inspired by and written during a trip to Mammoth in February, 2023.

Snowboarding is one of my passions and this is the first time I’ve used it in my writing.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 10

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 08

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 07

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 06

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 05

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 04

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 03

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 02

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 01

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Why I Created The Sesquiped Alien Blog

Creativity is hard to pin down with a definition. Any type of writing can be creative if you try hard enough. In the context of this blog, however, creative writing refers to something very specific: the act of writing and editing fiction for myself. While I welcome anyone who wishes to read it, this is primarily for my own practice and enjoyment. I started writing creatively at a very young age, and have fallen in and out of love with it over many years. This blog, the Sesquiped Alien, represents a commitment I’ve made to write consistently—daily, in fact—in order to hone my craft. While I may not post to the blog on a daily basis, I have been writing daily in order to better myself and better my skills as a professional creative. Enjoy!