Passion Pieces

This is where my articles, quick reference guides, reviews, and other commentaries live.

You can find creative writing and fiction at my Sesquiped Alien blog.

Review of Rebel Moon, Part One: A Child of Fire
Film Review Michael Fischer Film Review Michael Fischer

Review of Rebel Moon, Part One: A Child of Fire

My personal review of Netflix and Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon Part One A Child of Fire. I rarely see scathing reviews anymore, but this deserves a properly scathing review. I’ll do my best to describe in detail why this movie is, to put it lightly, deplorably bad. Let’s dive in, shall we?

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Behavioral Economics in UX
Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

Behavioral Economics in UX

This quick reference guide by Michael G. Fischer outlines the principles of behavioral economics when applying them to User Experience Writing or UX Writing. Principles such as clear language, an appeal to emotion, and personalization of the user experience are important for every UX Writer to know and learn.

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The Games We Play
Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

The Games We Play

Careful, we’re about to stereotype you based on the type of drinks you consume. Get out the red cups and strap in, because we know how differently those shots hit when you’re on the sticks.

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The [D]evolution of UBER
Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

The [D]evolution of UBER

Regardless of opinions surrounding the tech company, Uber is thriving and aggressively expanding throughout the world, sweeping bad press under the rug as they go.

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