the Sesquiped Alien

A creative writing blog by Michael G. Fischer




1: having many syllables

2: characterized by using long words

Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 10

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 08

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 07

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 06

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 05

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 04

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 03

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 02

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Michael Fischer Michael Fischer

A Roll Of The Dice - 01

This series of narrative fiction is based on random words that are picked via dice rolling.

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Why I Created The Sesquiped Alien Blog

Creativity is hard to pin down with a definition. Any type of writing can be creative if you try hard enough. In the context of this blog, however, creative writing refers to something very specific: the act of writing and editing fiction for myself. While I welcome anyone who wishes to read it, this is primarily for my own practice and enjoyment. I started writing creatively at a very young age, and have fallen in and out of love with it over many years. This blog, the Sesquiped Alien, represents a commitment I’ve made to write consistently—daily, in fact—in order to hone my craft. While I may not post to the blog on a daily basis, I have been writing daily in order to better myself and better my skills as a professional creative. Enjoy!